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Frequently Asked Questions

When You Purchase Listing Agent Accelerator Training, You Get Full & Immediate Access To:

In a nutshell, what we do is we teach agents how to list and sell commercial properties. We can teach you how to work with leases, we can teach you how to work with buyers, but if you really want to get to the top of the earnings pyramid as quickly as possible, the fastest way to do that is working with sellers.

We focus on the very lucrative skill that gives you the fastest route to making money, and that is working with sellers. Most agents waste time getting acclimated with the market working on deals that are barely worth their time and wind up leaving the business, but we focus on creating a repeatable business model that allows you to take 1, 2, sometimes even 3 listings a mont,h so that you can work with Sellers and have the highest probability of making the most amount of money each year. No other coaching business puts as much emphasis on this as we do.
We get results by teaching you exactly what to do to move the needle. Nothing more nothing less. We focus on only the most high-impact activities and more importantly, teach you what you should not be doing. Once you stop doing the wrong things, and spend the time that you used to on the wrong things, doing more of the right things, your business winds up skyrocketing in a short period of time

No, I do not use this as a way of recruiting agents to my brokerage, but merely a way of training them properly. You can stay Wherever you are as long as they allow you to handle commercial transactions.

While we do not provide you with leads, to use a fishing analogy, what we do is teach you where to go, what lake, what rod, what reel, what bait, and what boat to use. The only thing we don’t do is reel the fish up onto the boat for you. Does that make sense? So, we don’t give you the fish, but we teach you how to fish.

No, what we do is teach you how to take listings, that is all.

If you are willing to follow exactly what we tell you and do everything we say, you can expect to start taking listing appointments within your first 7 to 14 days. Additionally, if you dial for 60 to 90 minutes a day 5 days a week start taking listings in as little as 30 days.

As much as I would like to help absolutely everybody, what I have found over time is that human nature always prevails. Meaning if you have skin in the game, you are 10 times more likely to do the things necessary, instead of the reverse when you have no skin in the game you don’t do what’s necessary for success, it’s that simple.

There are two types of thinking in this world, “front of the pack thinking” and “back of the pack thinking”. Instead of waiting until you have all of the money you should consider what resources you have available. Oftentimes we find it’s not a question of having the resources, it’s a question of how resourceful you are willing to be.
There’s a very good chance that if you looked around, you would be able to find the money instead of waiting until the next deal. Over and over again, we hear people say “I want to wait till my next deal closes and then I will have the money to join”… That’s like a med school student saying “I’m going to go DO a brain surgery first, so I can make the money to pay for med school to learn how to do brain surgery”. You see the flaw in that logic?

What winds up happening, is that next deal never comes soon enough, you never are able to put enough money aside, and chances are you struggle until you go back to a nine to five job…

So doesn’t it make sense to tighten your belt a little bit and get resourceful? The price of what we do is equivalent to about a semester or two of community college, but how many Community College educations can have you earning multiple six figures within a year or two? The answer: Zero.

Our curriculum is evergreen, meaning we are always open for enrollment. However, the way we like to look at it is when is the best time to plant a tree? The answer is, 10 years ago. When is the next best time to plant a tree? Today. Meaning, the sooner you join, the sooner you have success it’s just that simple the more you delay, the further you are pushing off your success. The only question I’ll ask you is- How soon do you want to start taking commercial listings?

We deliver the course classes in group Zoom format, the Tuesday classes are taught in three, 30 minute, segments with the first segment is dedicated to Q&A, bring all your questions about your deals, your negotiations, your prospecting, your research Etc and we will answer them for you at that time. The next 30 minutes is dedicated to teaching different parts of the nine step process to listings, and the final 30 minutes on Tuesdays is dedicated to roleplay.
We get you sharper at your scripts, so that you take more meetings, so that you take more listings, so that you make more money. But it all starts with having your scripts dialed in.

Far and Away the best business model and Commercial Real Estate is going after and taking listings, because it give you the highest probability of getting paid…Think about it, the only thing that has to happen is you or a thousand other agents in your market have to find a buyer for that property as opposed to working with a buyer who might be looking for a property that literally doesn’t even exist, we call these “unicorn properties” in the business. Not only do you have control of your business, you have control of your schedule and he or she who controls their time, controls their income. Remember we only have two things to sell in this business, that’s our time, and our knowledge and the more we are efficient with those resources, the more money we make. It’s just that simple.

No, absolutely not. If you are at a brokerage that sells residential properties, all you have to do is make sure that they allow you to do commercial transactions

I got to a point in my career where I had enough food at my table, and I realized when you have enough food at your table, invite more people to it. This is a very very difficult business to break into. The failure rate for commercial agents in the first two years is 97% Which means you have a 3% chance of succeeding without the proper guidanc.e If you just use the typical resources that are available to you you have a 3% chance of making it past 24 months. To put it another way, you have a 97% chance of spending a big chunk of your savings, going into debt, and still winding up back at that nine to five job that you hate. It’s my mission to make it a little bit easier for those that are willing to put in the work that’s why I do what I do.

At the end of our first six months together, we do not throw you out into the cold. We have several options depending on your progress and your desired outcome, so that we can decide which will work best for you at the six-month mark. But, we do not leave you stranded; there are plenty of ways for you to receive additional support.
Yes, part of our support is that we help you work through transactions that you are in the middle of. Our support does not just end at how to take a listing; but rather, once you take the listing also show you how to market it, how to get it under contract, and how to get it sold.
Yes, so long as you have access to the local MLS and the tools it provides, that and $10 should be enough to get you started. We have a resource that we utilize so that you can get your first 100 properties researched for $10.

What we find is that if you bring all your questions to class, you’ll have more than enough support. It’s not a question of having more resources; it’s a question of how resourceful you can be. If you ever took any college courses, I’m sure you found that you probably never had one-on-one training with your instructor, but rather, you asked all the questions you needed to in class. That’s what we encourage our students to do: think like entrepreneurs and be very resourceful, utilizing all of the resources at their disposal.

In the event of an emergency family health, or otherwise, we can on a case-by-case basis pause your program one time for a period of time not to exceed 90 days

No, this is a question we get quite a bit, and the reality is that the CCIM designation is more appropriate much further down the road. What we teach you are the fundamentals of how to build and grow your commercial real estate business. If you want to get a high-level certification after three, four, or maybe five years, by all means, pursue it. But what we teach you first is the tactical, practical side of the business.

We get a lot of people asking us to talk to students for a reference. Realistically speaking, if we gave out the phone numbers of our students every time someone asked, our students would spend zero time prospecting for listings and all their time answering people’s questions. Additionally, if you ask us for a student’s information, do you think we would give you our worst students, or our best students? Meaning, we are only going to give you our best students, so if you were to speak to them, you would absolutely hear rave reviews (that’s what every company does). The real question is—are you going to base your probability of success on someone else’s success, or are you willing to do everything in your power to ensure your own success? Suffice to say, our process works. Are you willing to work it?
We see a 300% success rate. 100% of the people who do 100% of what we say have success 100% of the time. Are you willing to follow a process if it gives you the highest possibility of success? It’s a simple yes or no.
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